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Poem by Shanelle Gabriel

We come from people who know struggle 

Who have felt the chill of the outdoor wind 

Charging through lightning bolt cracks in window frames 

Who repurposed sweaters and coats as pajamas 

Ran up apartment electric bills to combat the summer sauna 

We come from people who have generations 

Rooted on New York State blocks 

From Harlem to Poughkeepsie and beyond 

Fighting to bloom within shrinking pots 

Fighting to make their little feel like a lot 

We come from people who have watched 

Their communities become the new flavor 

For all others to savor 

While barricading those who held all the spice 

We come from people 

Who have used eviction notices to wipe the tears in their eyes 

Who sorrowfully signed leases 

For rent that doubled in just a year’s time 

We come from people whose very lives 

Have been shattered by closed door handshakes with promised corporate tax breaks

We come from people who have had to make due 

Told lies about improved quality of life 

When our paychecks hold the truth 

Told we were not brilliant enough 

Eloquent enough 

That our stories were not worthy enough 

That our speech could not break through bureaucracy 

For them to receive the worries within our reality 



We come from people who grew tired 

Of decisions being made without our input 

Tired of politicians playing roulette with our neighborhoods 

Who loved humanity enough to dream of something brighter and better 

And 30 years ago

They began their endeavor 

Decided to build the megaphone our people would need 

To let low income families know they possess the electricity 

Community Voices Heard 

30 years 

And we are 

We are those who planted seeds

To grow a radical grassroots collective 

Vines that would climb and weave themselves 

Into every system of racial, social, and economic inequality 

Demanding they be dismantled 

Advocating for access to welfare, housing, and pathways out of poverty Teaching that democracy lives within you and me 

That we have the right to shape our community’s destiny 

We are 

The individuals society overlooks 

30 years 

We are the royal blue ocean rushing Lobby Day 

Handing young people their first taste of advocacy 

Showing up at Senator Clinton’s house with a special delivery Whether it’s waffles for welfare reform waffling 

Or addressing Rent Stabilization and Emergency Tenant Protection in Ossining We are shutting down city council meetings 

And raising up candidates who best serve as our representatives Our efforts have gotten the RIGHT people elected

Ain’t we fly 

Ain’t we anointed 

Ain’t we the wildfire burning in the chest of the oppressed 

30 years fueling the flames of equity 

A mission community impacted, community driven, and member led They say never underestimate the determination 

Of someone who’s underestimated 

And we have proven our fortitude over and over again 

Even in these uncertain times 

As we see the rising tide of polarization and division swell 

The waves unraveling progressive policy 

Where it feels like we are floating in a sea of inequity in health and wealth We remind ourselves 

How those before us bonded together to built ships amidst conflict And found a way to sail 

We will sail 

No matter who is in office

We will soar â€‹

No matter how thick and desperate the clouds 

That crowd our way 

Our history tells us our path to success is preordained 

As we shine Shirley Chisolm’s light 

Recognizing those who’ve used their hearts and hands to make breakthroughs We know this work will continue 

Because CVH isn't an individual or entity 

It is you and me 

If you are here you are a part of us 

As we celebrate the past by

Honor the present 

And fashion the generations that will be 

Community Voices Heard, 

The leading authority on forging a powerbuilding legacy

As our hearts swell at the success of yesterday 

We embrace Community Voices Heard as a hope for tomorrow And we know 

When the air from the lungs blow through the throat 

The vibrations create sound 

So when we ALL demand the rights that are rightfully ours 

The earthquake of a roar together we make 

Has the power and authority to shake off our chains 

Here’s to 30 more years of CVH



Community Voices Heard (CVH) is a Black and brown-led, power-building organization committed to fighting for dignity for people with low incomes and all New Yorkers. Guided by members, we center women’s voices and create unity to win financial security, a fully participatory democracy, and truly affordable homes for every New Yorker. CVH leads community organizing across the state because we will only achieve an equitable New York when we organize and fight together.

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