NEW YORK - “Today, the Supreme Court of the United States ruled in favor of Janus in the highly-anticipated Janus v. AFSCME case. Community Voices Heard (CVH) condemn this blatant attack on the long standing and previously settled rights of working people. This ruling is an attack on labor unions and a thinly veiled mechanism to roll back economic gains for communities of color, particularly black workers who have consistently shown a higher union membership. This ruling in favor of Janus will inevitably widen the growth in income inequality and the stratification of wages by education.
“It is clear that the wealthy and elite of this country are working hard to strip away the rights of hard working people and take away their ability to negotiate for a fair return on their labor and make a decent living. Unions will continue to advocate for the working class of this country, but we must now push our elected officials to stand with labor. There is power in numbers, and CVH will continue to raise our voices to fight for the needs of working families.”